Monday, June 25, 2012

Is Boxing Doing Enough To Prevent Steroid Use?

Almost every sport has been affected by controversies and scandals. One of the biggest issues to rock the culture of sports has been the haunting reality of steroids. The sport of Boxing is no different. In the past year already we have seen multiple fighters test positive for performance enhancing drugs, and many of them have been at one time or another staples in the sport. It certainly won't be the last time someone is caught trying to cheat there way to a win. But it merits the question once again, is Boxing doing enough to protect the integrity of the sport and keep steroids out of the ring?

At first glance one would answer with a simple no Boxing isn't doing enough. And who could blame them with the evidence put in front of us. In the last couple months we have seen both Andre Berto and Lamont Peterson test positive for a banned substance in preparation for there upcoming bouts with Victor Ortiz and Amir Khan. On top of that just this last weekend another test came back positive. This time is was one of the top amateur and pro fighters to ever grace the sport, Antonio “The Magic Man” Tarver. Tarver who was drug tested before his last bout June 2nd against Lateef Kayode, tested positive for a banned substance called Drostanolone an Anabolic Steroid. As the results of Taver's failed test came down this weekend it was just another piece of evidence for some fans that Boxing needs to do more to keep steroids out of the sport. But what if this is the best thing for Boxing? What if this is just the system actually working?

On the surface when someone is caught cheating taking steroids its received as a huge black eye. That will never change. But look at the sport of Baseball for instance. For the majority of 2000-2007 all the news around Baseball was bad news after bad news of superstars getting busted for cheating. A stain on the game of Baseball was definitely left. However look at Baseball almost six years later now. The superstars getting busted are far in between now because after a period of everyone getting busted in Baseball, everyone learned to stay away from steroids and do it the right way. The same is happening in Boxing. The only difference is a giant stain hasn't been left yet. Boxing is cleaning up far before the biggest superstars in the sport get busted. With Three bigger named fighters getting busted this year as well as the past, others will think twice about cheating and using performance enhancing drugs.

The systems put in place right now with drug testing in Boxing aren't perfect, but the systems are good enough to clean up most of the cheaters. One thing that everyone can agree on is Boxing should have one unified policy of testing, but with more superstars like Floyd Mayweather Jr. and others demanding Olympic style drug testing, big time fights will be held with higher standards. And maybe even one day there will be a unified testing system. One can only dream.

Boxing can also help itself by wiping clean any outside evil entities connected to steroids such as Victor Conte formally of BALCO, who involve themselves in the sport. These men who have a dirty image attached to them should be ridden of. Why mess with someone who has a trail of bread crumbs leading to dirty athletes on steroids? If you don't want to be seen as suspicious then don't associate yourself with these men. It never pays off just ask Andre Berto. 

So do you still think Boxing needs to do more to keep steroids out of the sport? While there is some work still to be done, for now Boxing fans don't panic. The only time to worry would be if no one was getting caught. We have seen three bigger name fighters this year test positive, and that should be a good sign that something is in fact working in the drug testing system and that fighters are being caught.

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